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Internet of Things Course in Islamabad

Learn How To Build The Perfect Diet & Meal Plan For Improved Health, Better Weight Loss And…

IoT is one of the key technologies that contributes to the creating of different Internet applications. It links all the physical objects like the network devices/routers and exchange data.. Learning IoT at Pakistan’s best it course ,Adan institute of technology Islamabad serves as a better preparation for the future Data scientist hence encouraging you to do great in life and have a better chance at getting a nice job. A user-friendly programming language therefore generates interest which plays a role in developing unique internet applications. IoT provides insights about the business strategies that fuel your career.

What Will You Learn?

  • you will learn all the basic and advanced networking.

Course Curriculum

1. Basics of Electronic Designs

2. Basics of Networking
An outline of the OSI model and the seven layers of abstraction. Networking and TCP/IP.

3. SDN Architecture
The enhancements in Control and Management plane through SDN Openness Network Automation and virtualization are two most important development objectives of the present day network structure. SDN and OpenStack ONOS SDN Controllers Applications and APIs Protocols

4. Control and computing with Arduo and Raspberry Pi

5. Intro to Internet of thing
IoT and its importance Elements of an IoT ecosystem Technology and business drivers Technology and Business Drivers Discover the first level of IoT applications and trends, and the implications of IoT shifting from being an industry buzzword to being a reality.

6. Sensors and sensor nodes
Transducers or converters of signals. Multi sensor modules, nodes, motes and systems.

7. Connectivity and networks
Wi-Fi for smart integration for IoT. Edge computing connections and standard. Wireless sensor network

8. IoT lab exercises
Processing operations on the sensor nodes are done locally. On the new trend, end-node and cloud networking. Filtering data on the client side and on the server side.

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 1 Rating
6 years ago
Great clarity in explanations and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had been working out for quite a while, but a few little things we might miss out from a diet perspective are covered well in detail here.
Especially loved how you structured the entire focus area of dieting into most important ones to lesser ones.
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